A returning patient came in recently and near the end of our conversation I remembered him telling me about a pastor he knew of who uses cannabis because it works for him … I asked how it went for (this patient) when he spoke with some of the people in his congregation about using cannabis instead of narcotics.
I was sad to learn that he had been shunned by these “followers”! Isn’t that just the craziest thing? I am guessing that they haven’t figured out that the same God they are worshiping is the one who created the plant that will mend what ails you! Will they apologize if they figure it out? Cannabis kills cancer and makes your other organs work properly. Learn all about your (yes YOUR) endocannabinoid system and how Cannabis provides the missing link in YOUR body! http://www.nih.gov/news/health/mar2009/nida-16.htm Governmental link http://norml.org/library/item/introduction-to-the-endocannabinoid-system NORML link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gOYVJu__14 Scientific info on YouTube – a great video!