You can’t put a price on ‘end of life quality of life.”

When a diagnoses of a terminal illness is made, and that illness is treated with poison and deadly radiation rays, I have to shake my head and wonder what people are thinking.  Why the rush to die?  Why go out in THAT fashion?  If the condition you have is going to kill you anyway, why would you spend the last of your days poisoning yourself?  Is there anybody out there???  Hello!!!

What if we changed up that whole cancer scenario and told “them” to put their scalpel away and instead go throw a few seeds in the ground.  Grow your way out of cancer instead of the slash and burn method.  It was medically proven in 1974 that Cannabis Kills Cancer, what are we waiting for?  At today’s cancer rates, perhaps everyone should be growing their medicine before they need it, just use a “pay it forward” plan, so it’s there when you need it.

Naturally, if you’ve just been diagnosed,  it’s a little late to be throwing those seeds in the ground and you may need assistance in finding a provider, but – it’s doable; you don’t have to believe their, “oh my goodness, we must run you to the operating room right this second or you will die tomorrow” mentality.  It is a scare tactic! “They” don’t want you to have time to educate yourself.  They know you likely will not use their poison if you learn about Cannabis killing cancer.  There is no money in wellness at a cancer surgeons office, remember that.  There is no cure for cancer in chemicals!  “They” have proven that for years! Remember, it is the chemicals giving you the cancer.

Instead, let’s change the scenario and treat this villain with a plant from our Creator.  Cannabis is the one that comes to mind for me, as it’s the one I’ve seen have the best results.  No nausea or vomiting, no hair loss, no weight loss, and a great quality of life!  As the patient builds a tolerance to the Smokeless Cannabis Remedy (SCR) they will likely sleep more than usual, which often allows healing to take place.  Imagine that!  Feeling good while you are told you’re facing the end of your life … and instead maybe getting well! All without the excruciating pain that is induced upon you by the surgeries, chemo and radiation.

What should you do?  Learn more, please!  Click HERE to read a report from the National Cancer Institute (a government site) reporting that Cannabis kills cancer and doesn’t kill the healthy cells.  Tell your Representatives how you feel about getting this “miracle plant” to everyone who needs it, not just those who live in the right state and are able to pay the ransom fee for the privilege of treating their illnesses with it.  We do not need Obamacare as written, we need Canna-Care!  Our bodies have a need for the cannabinoids; that’s a whole different topic though, for another day.   In the meantime … call or email us and make your appointment to learn more about improving your health!  541-981-2620.

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