Animals and Cannabis by Rhea Graham

When asked my opinion on giving animals Cannabis, I always give a resounding, “yes!” Animals have an EndoCannabinoid System just as we do, and it needs to be fed just as ours does. We have physical and mental pain, animals do, too. Having an EndoCannabinoid System means they have receptors for the Cannabinoids and the ability to obtain relief just as humans do.
Small animals will get high if they are given THC that has been activated. This isn’t what we’re typically after. If, however, you have an animal with a nasty disposition you may wish to consider giving it a bit of THC – you will likely be pleasantly surprised at the outcome. Some animals have a real affinity for “getting altered” while others have a complete aversion to it. Their “nose knows” but they don’t have an off switch, so when they find the ‘stash’ they will eat the “whole enchilada” so to speak! That can be expensive no matter how you slice it.
If your dog eats your plain ol’ Cannabis (not infused into food) there is really no need to take them to the vet. Cannabis will not kill them, however chocolate (especially dark chocolate) can be deadly to dogs as can raisins, grapes and a few other foods. Cannabis is not one of them. Some veterinarians will charge you as much as $700, claiming the dog needs an IV and overnight observance.
Some dogs prefer to get altered and will seek out your Cannabis. The best defense, as always, is a good offense! Stay a step ahead of them and make them their own capsules, elixirs or treats and provide them as needed. Dogs suffering from anxiety do exceptionally well on “CBD Drops” for example.
At Albany’s Canna Kitchen & Research, I teach classes and do consultations on how to make these remedies for you and your pets, are you ready to learn? Call our office and get scheduled, you will be glad you did. Our number remains 541-981-2620. And remember, if anyone offers you some “mostly Maui Wowie with some Labrador in it” that’s a hard pass!

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